My Daly Outreach Ministries

My Daly Outreach Ministries

Monday, August 11, 2014

What's Your Evidence?

Now then, stand here, because I am going to confront you with evidence before the Lord as to all the righteous acts performed by the Lord for you and your ancestors. 
1 Samuel 12:7

If someone were to ask you how you knew God was real and alive today what would be your evidence?  If they asked you what God had done for you what examples would you share with them? When I actually began to list all my "evidence" my heart became so full that I began to cry.  

To name only a few would be how God has never left me nor forsaken me during the past eight years as a caregiver.  God saved my husband's life as well as my daughter's.  God has provided for our family over and over again in miraculous ways.  It would take me hours to share all the evidence I was able to gather.

I challenge you to begin a list of all the evidence you could share with a non-believer if they were to ask you to show them proof that God really existed.  I guarantee that as you complete this list you will be filled with such gratitude that you will break out in praise to the Lord like never before!

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