He will keep in perfect peace all those who trust in him, whose thoughts turn often to the Lord!
Peace sounds really great and I find myself constantly asking God for it. I read scriptures like Isaiah 26:3 and wonder why I still don't feel it all the time. It says He will keep "perfect peace" in those who trust Him and I trust the Lord. Or do I?
I want to trust Him fully but if I am real with you it is something I struggle with on a daily basis. I know God is real and that He sent Jesus to die for my sins. I know that the Holy Spirit speaks to me and guides me for I sense His presence and see His hand working in my life, BUT, then come the uncertain moments in my life when all hell breaks loose and there's nothing I can do to make it better. What happens to that peace then?
If my peace leaves it is simply because my my thoughts are not turned toward the Lord. The scripture clearly explains that we keep our peace when we keep our mind on God. Plain and simple yet so very difficult to actually do. Try it. When you read the Word of God, pray to Him, and focus on all the things you are thankful for because of God's love and blessing on your life, it becomes nearly impossible to not sense His peace. Remember, His peace passes all understanding. That means that it doesn't need to make sense in order to be real. We need it in order to survive this crazy ride called life.
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