My Daly Outreach Ministries

My Daly Outreach Ministries

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Try Again???

"Therefore, having this ministry by the mercy of God, we do not lose heart." 
2 Corinthians 4:1

Well, four years ago I found out about this cool thing called the "Disney Mom's Panel" sponsored by the Walt Disney World Corporation.  People who not only love Disney but also assist others in planning their special trips to Disney World are encouraged to apply for this online panel that gives others advice.  They are always looking for unique perspectives and since I adore Disney and have had to plan very special trips as a caregiver, I thought it was a no brainer.  Except for the fact that for the past three years I have researched, read, researched, read and prepared knowing I would no doubt make it  AND they would LOOOOVE to have me on their team.  Sounded right to me.

Well... that hasn't been the case.  I have never made it and my family wasn't very happy when I commented that I was applying again next week.  When I asked why, already knowing, they said it was because I was sad for several days when I didn't make it.  They hate seeing me disappointed.  I totally love that about them BUT, in life we can't stop trying.  At least I can't!  

So, next week I will apply again knowing that not only would I love to be a part of something "Disney" but would also love to share my God given passion and calling to help caregivers.  And why not combine two of my loves together?  Again for the fourth year in a row, if I don't make it I will know that is isn't part of God's plan for me right now.  No matter how awesome something appears I have learned that if God doesn't want it for me, there is a reason and I have to accept that.  At the same time, I will continue to try things knowing that when they do work it is His plan and His timing!  Who knows?

Thursday, August 28, 2014

He's a Lie, But He's Good At What He Does

The devil said to him, “If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread.”

We all know that the devil is a liar, but he's also the best that ever lived.  Because he is so smart and so cunning we fall victim to his traps and snares on a daily basis.  Our enemy knows us very well and because of this he devises a manipulated plan created for each of us individually.  We all have different weaknesses and the devil is very aware of each one.  Remember the scriptures tell us clearly that he watches and waits for us like a prowling lion ready to devour us.  

This week especially I have watched those around me that I love be entangled in this wicked web of deception called doubt and fear.  I see believers who love the Lord and know of His infinite power become enveloped within anxiety and panic so strong that it physically and mentally overcomes them.  I am angered for I know the enemy is happy and even laughing as children of God live this way void of His joy and peace.  

I want you to know today that you are not alone.  Even Jesus Christ our Savior was attacked over and over by the devil.  What I do see though is that each time Jesus rebuked him with the Word of God.  Are we doing that?  When we come under attack are we quoting scriptures aloud and speaking the name of Jesus aloud?  If not, we are not using the only weapons we have.  Use them today and watch the enemy retreat.  Reclaim God's peace and joy TODAY!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

My Thoughts... My Choice

He will keep in perfect peace all those who trust in him, whose thoughts turn often to the Lord!
Peace sounds really great and I find myself constantly asking God for it.  I read scriptures like Isaiah 26:3 and wonder why I still don't feel it all the time.  It says He will keep "perfect peace" in those who trust Him and I trust the Lord.  Or do I?
I want to trust Him fully but if I am real with you it is something I struggle with on a daily basis.  I know God is real and that He sent Jesus to die for my sins.  I know that the Holy Spirit speaks to me and guides me for I sense His presence and see His hand working in my life, BUT, then come the uncertain moments in my life when all hell breaks loose and there's nothing I can do to make it better.  What happens to that peace then?  
If my peace leaves it is simply because my my thoughts are not turned toward the Lord.  The scripture clearly explains that we keep our peace when we keep our mind on God.  Plain and simple yet so very difficult to actually do.  Try it.  When you read the Word of God, pray to Him, and focus on all the things you are thankful for because of God's love and blessing on your life, it becomes nearly impossible to not sense His peace.  Remember, His peace passes all understanding.  That means that it doesn't need to make sense in order to be real. We need it in order to survive this crazy ride called life.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Not Always Smiles

The living, the living—they praise you, as I am doing today; parents tell their children about your faithfulness

When you look at this picture of me and my daughter all you see are smiles.  For the most part, this is how we look most of the time but parenting is never without bumps in the road.  Even when you have awesome kids like I do, they mess up and believe at times that they know best. (Especially when they start middle school!)

I am learning day by day that without God as my guide being a parent in the world today is close to impossible.  It is imperative for me to not only share my love for the Lord but also live out what I preach. My daughter has to see God working in my life in order to believe He will and can do the same in her life.

My job is to not only love, protect, and care for my daughter but to "tell my children about God's faithfulness!"

Monday, August 11, 2014

What's Your Evidence?

Now then, stand here, because I am going to confront you with evidence before the Lord as to all the righteous acts performed by the Lord for you and your ancestors. 
1 Samuel 12:7

If someone were to ask you how you knew God was real and alive today what would be your evidence?  If they asked you what God had done for you what examples would you share with them? When I actually began to list all my "evidence" my heart became so full that I began to cry.  

To name only a few would be how God has never left me nor forsaken me during the past eight years as a caregiver.  God saved my husband's life as well as my daughter's.  God has provided for our family over and over again in miraculous ways.  It would take me hours to share all the evidence I was able to gather.

I challenge you to begin a list of all the evidence you could share with a non-believer if they were to ask you to show them proof that God really existed.  I guarantee that as you complete this list you will be filled with such gratitude that you will break out in praise to the Lord like never before!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Don't Put On Airs

1 Peter 5:7 
So be content with who you are, and don’t put on airs. God’s strong hand is on you; he’ll promote you at the right time. Live carefree before God; he is most careful with you.

I'm gonna be completely honest with you. You would think that at the age of 40 I would no longer be concerned with being anything but myself.  Well, that is partially true.  I can say that at this stage in the journey I am very comfortable with who I am in Christ as a woman, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, and a friend.  What you see is what you get when it comes to my personality and the way I love others.

At the same time the enemy knows where our insecurities lie and that is exactly where he relentlessly attacks us.  I presently serve Liberty University as a faculty research librarian as well as an associate professor.  I know that God brought me to Liberty but you can bet the devil followed me there, too!  I'll never forget soon after arriving and being told by a co-worker that I may want to "tone down the southern charm and be careful of how I talked," which totally devastated me.  For two weeks I was afraid to talk to anyone but then I woke up and realized that they hired me and that I was southern and that I needed to be myself.  And you know what?  People love my southern charm and accent!  

What the devil intended to discourage me has been something that makes me unique and special.  People don't forget meeting me or talking with me!  Too funny!  This scripture is true, just like the rest of the Bible.  Know today you don't have to act like something or someone that you aren't.  Be your best YOU and allow God to do the rest.  He says that He will promote us and be careful with us. What more could we ask for?

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Where My Help Comes From

Psalm 121:1-8  Shall I look to the mountain gods for help?  No! My help is from Jehovah who made the mountains! And the heavens too!  He will never let me stumble, slip, or fall. For he is always watching, never sleeping. Jehovah himself is caring for you! He is your defender. He protects you day and night. He keeps you from all evil and preserves your life. He keeps his eye upon you as you come and go and always guards you.

One of the hardest challenges I have faced since I became a caregiver has to be asking others for help. After 8 years as my husband's caregiver I have learned through much disappointment and hurt feelings there is only a handful of people who sincerely have a desire to assist me in my journey as a caregiver.  I also discovered there is an even larger number who have great intentions but would rather not be involved because my life is somewhat "messy".  

When my husband, Brian, was first diagnosed with heart failure, I had to learn how to be a receiver.  People offered to help us and I would constantly reject them with a smile explaining how we were were fine.  In reality we were not fine, and even today have moments when we need others.  God created all of us to be relational beings and I believe He helps us through others.  I had no problem helping others but found it almost painful to accept help.  After learning to accept help, I faced a new challenge.

Over the years, I would ask certain individuals for support in some way only to find myself very disappointed in the end. This is a reality that you need to face as a caregiver.  There will be times when you ask people who you trust and you believe understand your situation, only to have them let you down.  When this happens, you must remember who your REAL and TRUE help will always be. That Helper is our Lord Jesus Christ!

When you ask Jesus for help He will NEVER leave you nor forsake you. What an amazing promise that caregivers have. He has His eye on us.  I love that mental picture.  As a parent, I like to have my eyes on my daughter in order to help and protect her.  That is how God feels about us! Don't forget that your and my help comes from the creator of the mountains and the heavens.  God is our ULTIMATE helper and caregiver!

Wait for the Lord

Don’t be impatient. Wait for the Lord, and he will come and save you! Be brave, stouthearted, and courageous. Yes, wait and he will help you.

I love this scripture!  I read it today over and over for it gives me the encouragement that I long for.  Waiting on the Lord is NOT something that comes natural to me but it is something that God tells me to do.  He also tells me to be "brave, stouthearted, and courageous" while I am patient on Him helping me!  That is a tall order.

But, what I love is that the Word tells me that if I wait the creator of the universe and Savior will actually come to my personal rescue.  Jesus will save me from whatever circumstances avail me.  If God promises to do something I know there is no doubt it will happen.  Now how and WHEN is another story.  

I must trust that God knows best when it comes to my life and what's best for me.  As I wait in anticipation of my next chapter, I know in my heart that my true and real hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ.