Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”
Let's get real about the subject of forgiveness. It is not easy nor what we really desire to do in our hearts. On top of that, we sometimes have to forgive people who are not sorry for what they have done to us and haven't even asked for forgiveness. In many situations that seems impossible!
Luke 23:34 always makes me feel sad. I picture my Jesus on the cross of Calvary taking his last breaths. In the midst of carrying all my sin on Himself, He finds time to forgive the ones who have done these horrible things against Him. How is that possible? It is possible because Jesus came to save and not condemn. It is possible because Jesus came to love and not hate. In the midst of the greatest pain and suffering imaginable, my Jesus forgave people who weren't even sorry for what they had done to Him. The question then falls into my court. Do I love and trust Jesus enough to do the same to those who have hurt and disappointed me?
Recently, within the same week, I felt that I had been wronged by two different people. The difference was that one person called me and asked for my forgiveness while the other never did. The other difference between the two was that the person who asked for my forgiveness acknowledged the hurt they had caused me and explained how terrible they felt and how much they loved me while the other person acted as if nothing had ever happened.
Well, you know it was easy to forgive the person who called, acknowledged my pain, and then asked for my forgiveness. I felt such peace and relief about the whole situation, but then there was the other. How could I forgive this person when it was evident they weren't sorry and I knew they would continue this same type of behavior in the future? Well, after weeks of prayer and then the conviction of the Holy Spirit through a friend's prayer, I knew I must forgive the one who was not sorry in order to have peace for myself. There really is freedom in forgiveness. I know God will protect me and that He is my defender. I must trust in Him.
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