But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7
While scrolling through Facebook today I began to notice several very judgmental posts from Christian people I know. Each of these people were ranting about some group of people and how what they were doing was wrong. Some of them I even had to agree with, yet I then realized as a victim of judging I couldn't go along with them. I couldn't encourage them the way others were doing.
Since my husband was diagnosed with heart failure 8 years ago, we have experienced great struggles with being judged in numerous ways. The worst has been due to Brian not "looking sick" as many people comment. You see, in our society you must look the part in order to play it or be recognized. Because Brian has chosen to live life to the fullest and not sit at home feeling sorry for himself most people never even realize the great struggles he faces daily with his health. Due to the severity of his condition and the amounts of medication he takes daily, he really should not get out of the bed, but with the power of God and a determination like no one else I know, he does and with a smile.
Years ago it started when one day, while Brian was very sick, we were at a gas station and I was pumping gas as Brian sat in the car. I didn't notice what was happening until I was finished and found Brian crying in the car. He explained that a man getting gas across from us starred at him the entire time he pumped gas and then shook his head at him before getting in his car. It was as to say to Brian, "You sorry man. Allowing your wife to pump gas and you just sit in the car." From that day on Brian asked me to get gas while he was home or he would lay his seat all the way back so people could not see him.
Just recently we visited Disney World and once again this happened to Brian. We had read before visiting that the parks now had something called the "Disability Assistance Card" for people with conditions such as Brian's. You don't cut people in line but instead if the wait is one hour, cast members sign your card and you can return in one hour. This keeps the disabled person from having to stand in the heat. Well, because Brian didn't look sick, the person who assisted us was very rude and tried to refuse us the card. Brian was very embarrassed. I have since written to Disney World and they personally called us to apologize but it's still not okay. Brian was judged as a person trying to just get a card who wasn't really sick.
Please, consider all I have shared today before you judge the next person. Thanks so much.
I am heart sick on how awful people can be . People are like that with Emma. She is so "normal" looking that when she has a mekt down or gets fixated on something they sait you just need to give her a spanking. They do not know about her Autism. They do not understand the stressful life she kives in . Disney was an experience for us too. I understand and sympathize with you both. We cannot understand till we walk in other's shoes. Do not Judge. Love this again Jessica