‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’ Jeremiah 33:3 NKJV
Have you ever heard the expression, "God knows what's going on?" I know I have all my life. I really didn't get it until I saw this graphic today and realized it has everything to do with Jeremiah 33:3. In this scripture God is telling us that if we call to Him, He will not only answer us but that He will show us great and mighty things. I don't know about you, but that sounds pretty awesome to me. I like hearing about things like that especially in a world where I constantly hear about so many troubling things.
God also puts the icing on the cupcake when He adds that the things He will show us are things we didn't even know about. They will be things so great and mighty that we can't even imagine them happening. Those are what I like to call God surprises or what the Bible refers to as miracles!
As you read Jeremiah 33:3, I encourage you to read all the different translations so that you can get a full grasp of how life changing this scripture really is. It came alive to me almost one year ago and has grown in importance and reality within my life ever since. I find myself sharing it with others as the Holy Spirit tells me to do so. Then I have fun just sitting back and watching the scripture come to life in that person's life as well.
The coolest thing is that when we don't know what's going on in our life, He does. He really does know everything that is going to happen to you and I want you to know that HIS plan for your life is always for your good. Nothing takes God by surprise. Many times we make decisions that cause the plan to detour but when we do that is not God's fault. We need to know that He knows what is best and has great and mighty things planned for our lives!
Love this post I can't wait to read this verse.in all translations