My Daly Outreach Ministries

My Daly Outreach Ministries

Saturday, May 3, 2014

My Plans

My days have passed, my plans are shattered.
    Yet the desires of my heart
 turn night into day;
    in the face of the darkness light is near.  Job 17:11,12

Have you ever planned something and then had it not work out the way in which you had hoped?  Well, this past week was like that for me.  For several months I had planned a trip for my family to Disney World but when we arrived my plans all began to change right before my eyes.  

First, my husband and I both became ill and after going to see a doctor at a local immediate care we were diagnosed with severe sinus infections.  We contemplated ending our trip but due to disappointing our daughter and ruining her 11th birthday and loosing the money we had spent on the vacation, we decided to tough it out. 

As the days passed the temperatures rose.  Due to my husband's heart failure he cannot function in hot temperatures and high humidity, but we found both of these when we walked outside of our hotel room.  For this reason, my husband, Brian, spent two whole days in the hotel room which was definitely NOT part of my plan!

I love to plan each day of our vacations so when illness and heat attacked our family, I was forced to changed our plans each day.  We were not able to do all the activities we had planned and several things were cancelled completely.  I was frustrated and upset many times but I can say that God never left me and kept us safe each and every day.  God also allowed me the strength to function so that I could continue to do things with Taylor throughout the week.  

I am thankful that even when our plans change our God never does! God allowed me to still make some beautiful memories and for that I will always be thankful.

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