My Daly Outreach Ministries

My Daly Outreach Ministries

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Jesus Is In the Boat!

" He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little from shore. Then he sat down and taught the people from the boat."  Luke 5:3

For the past few days God continues to give me Luke chapter 5 and until I share it with someone who needs to hear it He won't stop.  This scripture seems pretty simple when you first read it.  We know a large crowd was pushing in on Jesus and He realized He would be more effective in His preaching if He were standing in a boat just off shore.  Then God revealed something much deeper to me, like He usually does!  

Simon allowed Jesus to enter his boat and after doing so some amazing things took place.  First Jesus was able to share the love of God.  When I allow Jesus to enter my "boat" or life, He is able to reach others!  Wow!  Hang on, though, because more happens for Simon after he allows Jesus to use his boat to reach others.  

Jesus goes out with Simon and others to fish but things are no going well at all.  They can't catch anything.  Boy can I relate to that.  As long as I am trying to make things happen for myself nothing really happens of any significance, but when I stop doing things my way and listen to the advice of the Savior miracles begin to take place!  Jesus tells them to cast the nets again on the right side of the boat.  They had to be thinking, "We have done this over and over.  Why should we keep trying and what will be different this time about that side of the boat?  Last time we tried there was nothing there."  I have felt the very same way about many things in my life, too.  Thankfully, they listened and tried once more for they were overwhelmingly blessed beyond anything they had ever seen before.  

That's how God works for His people and for those who are obedient to His instruction.  Are you strong enough to listen to the Father when it doesn't make sense?  Are you willing to listen to God when you have already tried what He tells you to do 100 times already?  I pray you do for He will open the doors that were meant for you to walk through and the windows that will rain blessings from heaven into your life!  Let Jesus climb into your boat today and just watch what happens!

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