Alone time means different things to people. To me, as a caregiver, it means time that I can just stop for a few moments. Most caregivers never get even 30 minutes a week to themselves. People ask me all the time what I think they could do for caregivers and I tell them giving them some time alone. I remember when I used to be afraid to leave Brian but at the same time I longed to be by myself. My mother-in-law would sometimes come over and hang out at the house with Taylor and Brian so that I could just run to town for an hour by myself. Just being in the car was a treat. Then shopping by myself was great, too. Other times, I would take a 30 minute walk around the neighborhood listening to my favorite songs. I would walk and sometimes even cry and do some amazing praying, all by myself. It is critical that you have alone time for your mental health!
A blog dedicated to the spiritual encouragement of caregivers everywhere! Read stories of hope and God's love that will remind you what God has in store for your life!
My Daly Outreach Ministries

Monday, January 28, 2013
Friday, January 25, 2013
My Marriage Advice
I never confess to be a marriage expert, but I will say my two greatest pieces of advice for people are these...
#1 Marry your best friend. Passion is important but when it comes down to the nitty gritty you need someone who is your best friend, closest confidant, and defender til the end. You need someone you can trust and share your heart and dreams with. You need someone who can finish your sentences and know what you need just by the way you look at them.
#2 Marry a Christian. I know that many people helped to convert their husband or wife and I think that is wonderful, but I also know the background and know that it sometimes came with years of heartache and strife. My husband and I were very young Christians in our faith when we married but we were still both saved by grace and knew being in church was important. Since that time, we have grown together and God has become the center of our lives.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
God's Encouragers
The beautiful woman pictured with me is my dear friend, Gena O'Neal. God sent her to me at a time in my life when God knew I would need her constant support and encouragement. Anytime I see her or hear from her she is quick to remind me of the promises God has given me and how they are coming to pass. I praise the Lord because He uses this special person to love on me and keep me going. God has also given her a vision for my future through a dream! My Lord continues to love and shower me with blessings, like Gena. What people has God placed in your life in order to encourage you? Please, share!
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Caregivers Letting Go
Today, my thoughts and prayers are with my dear friend, Barbara, who's mother was welcomed to heaven last night. Barbara loved her mother with all her heart and she cared for her every need along with her sister until the very end. They were a caregiver team, which doesn't happen very often. I would text Barbara to keep up with her mother's progress. No matter what was going on with her mother's health, Barbara and her sister never left her side. I like to think that through it all, Barbara's mother had to feel loved. How wonderful to have raised two special and successful women who took care of her til her very last breathe here on earth. I always picture being able to hug Jesus when I get to heaven and I can definitely see Barbara's mother doing just that!
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Hospital Time
When a person becomes a patient in the hospital their family is affected in ways they never thought of. Spending long periods of times in the hospital can be very difficult. At times I have spent over a week at a time in the hospital with my husband, Brian. I spent every night with Brian and very rarely left his side. Some families take turns and divide up the time so that each person can help yet rest, too. I pray for families who are caring for those in the hospital. Remember that God is with you every moment no matter what happens! Isaiah 41:13 He is always holding your hand!
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Dementia Hurts
This picture embodies what it looks like to care for a person with dementia. Dementia takes a person's mind. After years, they cannot remember who their dearest loved ones even are. As a caregiver works with a dementia patient things only become more difficult. Not only are they many times taking care of their medical needs but then the person they are caring for begins to forget their name. A dementia patient becomes fearful and sometimes violent due to the extreme confusion. The caregiver must also make sure the patient does not get lost or hurt themselves. It is a 24/7 commitment. My heart goes out to these caregivers and most of the time they just need your support, your prayers, and many times just a break if you are able to help them.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Why Not Praise Him?
I find myself desiring a situation like you see in this picture. These people are praising the Lord and just loving on Him without hesitation or reservation. I used to not worship this way but now I do. I got to thinking one day... I go to basketball and football games and cheer, raise my hands, and show love for my teams but I don't give the same for my Lord and Savior! I decided that I should have even more passion for my God than for a team or at a concert. God wants us to praise Him. He desires our attention and love. Maybe its time Christians stop worrying about how they appear to others and just praise the Lord!
Monday, January 7, 2013
Resources You Need
When God called me into ministry I had no idea what I was doing. I remember praying for God to send me people and resources to do what He wanted me to do. The beautiful smile you see in the picture with me here is Andrea Howard. God brought her into my life at the perfect time with not only years of ministry experience (being married to a pastor) but also a law degree! On top of all that, God sent me one of the best friends I have ever had who actually has my best interest at heart. This is a characteristic I have found in only a handful of people in my lifetime and I hold very dear! If you have a dream that God gives you, don't be afraid. Andrea is only one of the many amazing people He has sent to me in the past two years of ministry. He will and can do the very same thing for you!
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Annointed Connections
Did you know that God will introduce and connect you with amazing people if you only ask Him to. In Oct. of this past year, I met this beautiful, anointed evangelist and have been forever changed. Not because of anything she did, but what she allowed the Holy Spirit to do through her! God spoke to me in an audible voice through this woman of God and even gave her a vision she shared for my future. I was blessed to spend time with her again this past weekend and once again God spoke a word of confirmation through her straight to my heart. God just continues to amaze me. Please, visit her website and learn more about how God has called her to reach His lost.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
MDO Ministries Promotional Video
MDO Ministries Promotional Video
Take a look at our new 2 minute promotional video for MDO Ministries! We are very excited about being about to share this with pastors, leaders and caregivers in order to remind them how important caregivers are. Our desire is an open door where we can come in and minister to caregivers! Take a look and feel free to share!
Take a look at our new 2 minute promotional video for MDO Ministries! We are very excited about being about to share this with pastors, leaders and caregivers in order to remind them how important caregivers are. Our desire is an open door where we can come in and minister to caregivers! Take a look and feel free to share!
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