1 Chronicles 4:10
cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and
enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so
that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request.
Many Christians do not approve or "believe in" the prayer of Jabez but I am definitely NOT one of those people. If it is in the Bible then I believe it is true. So when the Word says that Jabez was highly favored in the eyes of God and this was his prayer, how could it be wrong or selfish?
What we miss is that Jabez looked to God to bless him and help him instead of the world or mere man like most do today. People, Christians included, have convinced themselves that it is up to them to do all they can to make it and become successful. But what I notice is that a lot of wealthy or highly successful people seem really unhappy and unsatisfied with life, which tells me that something is missing. That something is the realization that God is the Giver of all blessings and the reason we exist.
In all reality, Jabez has it all figured out. He prayed for God to bless him, which the Bible tells us God loves to do, and then to enlarge his territory. Territory is the same as what we own. This can be actual land or property, money, influence, and more. If we desire these things and use them for God it is NOT selfish. Jabez then asked God to guide him and protect him from harm. Well, even Jesus taught us to pray that daily, so why would that not be okay? And the part I love is when Jabez asks God to keep him from hurting others. I can't say that I have prayed that too many times but after 40 years I know I need to daily!
The real kicker is at the end when it clearly says, "GOD GRANTED HIS REQUEST"!!! Read that over and over until it sinks into your head! When God is first in your heart and life and you pray this prayer only good can come and many will be blessed in the NAME OF JESUS!
I say, "Way, to pray, Jabez!" Thanks for the awesome example! Maybe we aren't being blessed more because we aren't praying and believing this prayer!
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