My Daly Outreach Ministries

My Daly Outreach Ministries

Friday, October 31, 2014

Showing Gratitude

Psalms 136:1 O give thanks to the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endures for ever.

During a recent Bible study with my life group at church, we discussed the emotion that is most desired and needed by the soul.  The man leading the study surprised us all by stating that it wasn't love but actually gratitude.  After he said it we all began to shake our heads because it made sense.  As humans, we all long to feel appreciated and needed which in turn translates for many of us to being loved.  

Just this past week I decided to stop and pick up donuts for one of my classes that I teach at Liberty University.  I told them it was their Halloween treat.  I could have never have imagined the response that ensued upon opening the boxes of simple donuts.  First came surprise, then smiles as big as Texas, and then genuine heart-felt thanks from each and every single one of them.  They acted as if it were Christmas and I had given each of them their most desired gift.  To be honest, I was overwhelmed.  

I knew in that instant that the man leading the Bible study was right.  The gratitude I felt from my sweet students made me feel so special and so loved.  Then I thought about my Savior.  He has given me much more than a donut.  How many times during my day do I stop to sincerely thank Him for all the big and small things He does for me just because He loves me?  My answer is definitely,
"not enough"!  May we all show God more gratitude as an act of love, for His mercies really do endure forever!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Taylor Has Tourette Syndrome

For several years now we have noticed our daughter, Taylor, exhibiting involuntary facial and neck motions.  Many refer to these movements as "tics".  Most people who were around her never even noticed but with the onset of middle school this fall they began to increase in intensity.  Finally we knew we had to seek help when the tics became auditory or the correct term, which is phonetic.  Taylor did not say words but instead would make sounds.  

These motions and sounds could not be stopped and asking her to do so only increased her anxiety which in turn increased her tics.  Recently we sought the council of a child neurologist at UVA.  Dr. Bailey was not only wonderful with Taylor but us as well.  After much time and evaluation I heard the words that I knew in my heart but still broke it all at the same time.  "Mr. and Mrs. Daly, Taylor has Tourette Syndrome."  

My child had officially been labeled was my first thought as a protective mother.  But as the doctor continued to speak I heard words of encouragement and instruction on how to make Taylor's life better, which I wanted to hear.  I am now embarking on a new caregiving journey but I know, like always, He will never leave nor forsake me.  I do ask for your prayers as we navigate these new and sometimes rough waters.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Are You Serious?

Don’t be impatient. Wait for the Lord, and he will come and save you! Be brave, stouthearted, and courageous. Yes, wait and he will help you.

I don't know about you, but I love the part of this scripture that says "he will come and save you!" but all the other parts are my issue.  God is actually serious when He says, "Don't be impatient." And then on top of that He says to "be brave, stouthearted, and courageous."  We know that God never says something He doesn't mean so this means He actually expects us to do these very things.

At the same time if we do these things take a closer look at what God promises to do!  He says "he will come and save you!"  How can we argue with that?  I know I can't especially since He has saved me time and time again and I have the faith to know He will continue.

So the question remains can I be patient on God?  I try very hard.  I find that staying in the Word and in prayer is my key.  As I wait on Him daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly I will try my very hardest to not be impatient for I TRULY need saving!


Saturday, October 11, 2014

"I'm Fine!"

James 5:16 
Admit your faults to one another and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous man has great power and wonderful results.

Caregivers are the best at saying they are "fine" when in reality they are about to break into a million little pieces.  When I saw this graphic it touched me to my innermost soul for it defines a caregiver in so many ways.  All the things that are faint and hard to see are what we are really feeling and going through while on the outside we appear and say we are "fine".  

I think it is sad that we have been convinced by the devil that our feelings are wrong, not important, and something we should hide.  God gave us a community of believers for a reason.  He tells us that we are to admit to one another we have faults and then pray for one another.  What an amazing concept that our world and culture tells us is a sign of weakness.  Do you not see that the enemy has tricked us?  No wonder we feel so alone and misunderstood.  "

I want you to know today that I am not always "fine" and I feel all of the things in this graphic from time to time.  I am a child of God, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, and a friend.  I am a professional, too, but that doesn't change the life I lead or the challenges I face.  When we begin to be real with one another and begin to pray for one another we can stop lying and telling others that we are FINE!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

I Meant What I Promised

  Now to the married I command, yet not I but the Lord: A wife is not to depart from her husband.

October 9, 1999 was one of the absolute best days of my entire 40 years of life.  I was blessed to marry my best friend and true love before all my family, friends, and most importantly, God.  The young woman in this photograph could never have imagined what the following 15 years of marriage would look like for her.  She couldn't know at the time that after only a few short years of marriage all the vows she promised on her wedding day would be put to the ultimate test.

I love this picture for it was taken on a day filled with love and hope for a future together.  We dreamed of a beautiful life and that is exactly what we received.  Some may stop me and say, "Jessica, your life has been hard and trying so how can you honestly say that?"  But to that I would reply that we have seen the master and creator of the universe save us, provide for us, protect us, defend us, and bless us in ways which can only be described as miraculous.  We have learned to love a God that is real and true to His Word.  Without the tragedies, challenges, and frustrations we have endured and come through, we would never have known an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.

I look back today and realize how truly blessed I am to have my husband, Brian, in my life.  I love him more today than I did in that picture for now our love has been put in the fire and tested.  I meant what I promised Brian.  I don't know what the next 15 years will look like but I'm so thankful I serve a God who does.