“My spirit is broken, my days used up, my grave dug and waiting. See how these mockers close in on me? How long do I have to put up with their insolence?
My heart always breaks for Job when I read his story in the Word of God. This was an honest man of God who was attacked by the devil while He waited on God to save him and make things right. We find ourselves in similar situations all the time. While we are going through very difficult times of loss and heartache we find the devil comes and attacks our minds in mighty ways just as he did to Job.
When you read the scripture above it tells us that people were mocking or talking trash about Job. He felt as if they were actually closing in around him. Instead of helping him or coming to his aid they were putting him down and being cruel to him. Job's cry to the Lord was, "How long do I have to put up with their insolence?" which meant their hurts and attacks. Job had come to his very end. It said in verse 1 that his spirit is broken, his days are used up, and that his grave was dug and waiting. I must say that sounds like he was having more than a really bad day! We all know that because of his pain, the mockers, and the attacks of the enemy, Job felt he could go on no longer, BUT... God did come to his rescue and restored every part of his life double what he had in the beginning! Don't ever lose hope! God is a god who loves you and takes joy in restoring your heart and life! Don't allow the enemy to overcome your heart while you wait on HIM!
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