My Daly Outreach Ministries

My Daly Outreach Ministries

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Caregiving Can Cause Tears

I spoke with a dear woman this past week who was very concerned about a close family member who is a caregiver.  This family member was not only caring full time for a cancer patient but a very angry and hard to deal with cancer patient.  I know many of you can certainly understand.  I know that I witnessed this often from my grandfather who suffered from a severe stroke and other serious health issues.  He was angry and bitter due to the fact that he suffered this stroke and being paralyzed only weeks after retiring from working his entire life.  I knew exactly what this woman was talking about as she begged me to pray for this family caregiver whom she loved so much.  Being a caregiver can many times be a painful and tearful experience. Caregiving is not for the faint of heart.  It is for those who are wearing the full armor of God and know that He is their caregiver!  God knows your pain and He is your help!

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