“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
I really do believe everything that is written in God's Word, but at the same time I also realize that much of it is difficult to do or accomplish. While we strive to follow God's instruction, the devil, our enemy, works just as hard to confuse us and place doubt in our minds toward the Word.
Most caregivers and people in general for that matter love this scripture that Jesus spoke for all of us. He understands our burdens and he knows that we are weary. That alone comforts me but then comes the really seemingly unrealistic part. Jesus says, "I will give you rest." I am certain that when He spoke those works He did not realize how much is on my plate and running over the sides. How in the world does Jesus think I can rest?
I have a running joke about having a butt alarm. Yes, you heard me right. You see, each time I try and sit down someone calls my name! There has to be a silent alarm somewhere that alerts those in my family that mom has indeed placed her butt in a chair and thinks she is going to rest for a few moments. I hear, "Mommy!" or "Jessica!" from another room usually seconds after I have settled into my favorite chair to rest. I really don't know how it got there but I assure you it is there and working great. I talk to caregivers daily that experience this very same phenomena.
What I have realized is that the rest Jesus offers to me if I chose to accept it is a supernatural rest. It is rest that comes when physically I should be exhausted or unable to function but I am sharp and able to accomplish the tasks placed before me. His rest is also spiritual. It gives me peace and comfort while the circumstances around me should have me in a mess. His rest also gives me protection from the evil one and his vicious attacks throughout my day. That alone is something I am so thankful for and could not do without.
My prayer is that you will call upon Jesus today and ask for this rest that comes only from Him. It's the only thing that will sustain you and refresh you in the journey you are on.