My Daly Outreach Ministries

My Daly Outreach Ministries

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Change of Plans

If I say, ‘I will forget my complaint, I will change my expression, and smile,’

It’s Sunday morning and I wake to find my husband, who I care for, not feeling well.  The bad cold he has been fighting for over a week is hanging on and has now given him a terrible cough.  He cannot take any type of cold medication because of his heart failure and other medications, which means he deals with even a common cold for much longer.  We decide together that missing church will be the best decision today due to our circumstances.

This is a common occurrence for most caregivers.  You may have waited for weeks to attend a specific event to only find out hours or moments before that you will have to cancel and stay with the one you care for.  This can become very frustrating and cause bitterness within the heart of the caregiver.  It does NOT mean that you are not compassionate, understanding, or loving when you have these thoughts.  It means that you are HUMAN and continue to have your own desires and needs even though they now seem secondary to the needs of others. 

My advice to you is to express these feelings to the Lord!  Tell Him how disappointed you are and how much you wanted to do something that you were not able to do.  Share your heart with Him!  He wants that so much.  I also encourage you to plan ahead and have someone scheduled to stay with the person you care for just in case you are not able to leave them alone to attend your event.  This won’t always work but may help in some cases.  Caregivers must think ahead to what could go wrong when planning even to the store for groceries.  

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