My Daly Outreach Ministries

My Daly Outreach Ministries

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Talk About Trust!

For the first time ever, I went to the circus at the age of 39 years old!  As I tell people all the time, you are never to old to do something you have never done before or something you think is just for kids!  I was amazed at how many adults and couples were there without children!  God adults!  Live life!  Don't worry about what others think is mature or for adults! ha!  I actually took this picture of the large cats and their tamer.  This was amazing to actually watch in person.  The trust this man had for the cats was actually frightening.  I sat there thinking that guy is crazy trusting those large wild animals.  That is too dangerous.  Then it dawned on me that we do that in our Christian walk all the time.  We decide that trusting God is just too dangerous or crazy to actually do.  Trusting God is not much different than what I witnessed this tamer do last night.  Others will look at us and say, "That girl is crazy!  What is she thinking. That is too dangerous!  That doesn't make any sense!"  Do we worry about what others say or what God tells us to do?  Just something to think about!

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