My Daly Outreach Ministries

My Daly Outreach Ministries

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Preparation Makes All the Difference

"Get ready; be prepared! Keep all the armies around you mobilized, and take command of them." Ezekiel 38:7

Today before leaving my office for the Christmas holiday break i made sure that everything was prepared for when I returned at the first of the year.  I did things like take down my office decorations, file the huge pile that had been sitting on my desk for over a week, and even made sure documents were copied and ready for an important meeting that will take place one of the first days I get back.  

When I walked out today I felt a sense of relief knowing I could relax over the holidays for I had prepared for the new year at work.  I then realized that is what God tells us to do in His Word.  In Ezekiel 38:7 He clearly states, "Get ready, be prepared!"  There is even an exclamation point which gives more emphasis and excitement.  We should be living prepared.

During Christmas we prepare for the first coming of Jesus knowing we now live in a time of preparation for His second coming!  We should live each day as if Jesus may be returning at any given moment. We should also be prepared when given the opportunity to share our testimony and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Important conversations such as salvation merits our preparation.  

Are we prepared?  Do you feel a comfort and a peace each day knowing you are prepared for the Savior's second coming and for the sharing of the gospel?  My prayer is that we ALL spend time preparing so we are all ready.

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