My Daly Outreach Ministries

My Daly Outreach Ministries

Monday, July 27, 2015

"Yes...BUT Wait"

Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord
How do we react when God doesn't say "yes" or "no" but instead, "wait"?  The older I get and the longer I walk life's journey with my Jesus, the more I hear Him whisper "wait" but in the same breath He also says "trust Me".  The trusting is what can become difficult when the Lord shows you amazing promises and blessings yet after showing and confirming them to you, He asks you to be content and wait for His timing.
I don't know about you but that does not always come natural for me and it is definitely an area I continue to need strengthening.  Call it excitement or impatience, I want the blessings and promises God has for me NOW!  All at the same time, I know that when I wait on my Lord even greater things than I could have imagined come to pass.  God's timing truly is better than my own and when I begin to doubt or question Him I must stop and remember.
Remembering God's past timing and goodness only gives me hope and encouragement.  For instance, I am thankful each day that relationships before my husband did not work out for I would have never met and married him!  Each time God has us wait it is because He desires the very best for us.  We are His children and that is BIG!  
So the next time God says "wait" I ask that you accept that with gladness for you know something better than you wanted or expected at that moment is going to become a reality in your future.  

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