My Daly Outreach Ministries

My Daly Outreach Ministries

Monday, July 29, 2013

Worship At Home

Joshua 24:14
“So now: Fear GodWorship him in total commitment. Get rid of the gods your ancestors worshiped on the far side of The River (the Euphrates) and in Egypt. You, worship God.

It is critical that we spend time worshiping God in some way each day.  As I read this scripture I see that it tells us specifically we must "worship Him in total commitment." When it says this, it means we should find ways to worship in all we do.  For many of you, that is caregiving!  You CAN worship God in caring or taking care of another person in the name of Jesus!  

This scripture also tells us to get rid of the gods of your past ancestors.  This can be interpreted as your family.  Maybe you were raised to praise money or influence which can become gods for people.  It doesn't matter what you were worshiping, now you have to make sure if it wasn't God that's where your attention now rests.  

I know that it sometimes seems impossible to find time in order to worship. Remember that the enemy will find any way he can to interrupt or stop your worship.  Do not get discouraged or give up!  That is the plan of the enemy! He knows that God speaks to us and encourages our hearts during worship.

Find your sweet spot when it comes to worship.  If it is alone time in the Word of God through devotion, or listening to Christian worship music, or even sitting quietly waiting on the Lord to speak, do that at some point in your day.  You can pray aloud or sing along to music as you are caring.  Whatever it is that you choose, do that to worship!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

What Did They Say?

And the people gave a shout, saying, It is the voice of a god
and not of a man.

Have you ever wondered why, as Christians, we care so much about what other people think of us? Well, I have been thinking about this topic for some time now and this morning God got me excited and I had to start writing what He was saying to my heart.  First, let me admit that I, too, was one of "those people." The one who wanted to please everyone and make everyone else happy except for myself.  What I found was that everyone else was very content except for me.  Seven years ago, when my life turned upside down through illness in my husband and then an accident for my daughter, I realized it wasn't about making other people comfortable or happy.  It was about doing what was right and best in the eyes of God for my family and even for myself.  I must admit that it was one of the hardest things I have ever tried but once it began it was life changing.  I began to see life through the eyes of God instead of those around me.  I began to experience HIS power and see HIS miracles happening in my life like never before.  With that said, I must warn you that there is a big cost when you stop worrying about what others think of you.  Are you ready?

People don't like it when you don't do what they say you should do or you don't live to make them happy.  I know this is shocking but it is true.  Those who love you will become hurt and angry with you for they don't understand this new person you have become that loves the Lord more than anything else.  Church on Sunday was fine but now all you talk about is God.  The next thing is that people begin to talk about you negatively.  Yes, Christian, God fearing people begin to say ugly things about what you are doing with your life.  They may not think what you are doing looks good or seems right in their eyes or even the eyes of the church.  In my experience I have found that this small handful of folks are either jealous or don't understand the favor of God.  It really is that simple.   Don't worry.  God will NEVER let you down or leave you helpless. Pray for others to see what God is doing in and through your life.  Don't focus on what they are doing or saying but keep your eyes on Him.  Let what others say about you become compliments which show you are living your life for Christ and not to please people.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Look At What She's Wearing!

As humans, we enjoy wearing pretty clothes.  A new outfit, whether you are male or female, just does something for you on the inside.  It gives you that little bit of added confidence.  Knowing that you look your best is a great feeling.  When you do, it shows in your face and even your body language.  When I read Proverbs 31:25 I took it to heart in a way I never had before.  These descriptive words are not articles of clothing yet the woman in the scripture is said to be "clothed in" each of the things listed.  I first thought well, these are things people cannot see.  They are on the inside of the woman, but after a few moments of thought I realized each of these things do show on the outside.  

We see a person's strength in their character and most importantly their attitude when they face adversity.  Dignity shows in a person through their morals and what they stand up for and what they let go of.  Knowing whether or not you can trust a person is part of that, too.  Then the end of the scripture says that "she laughs without fear of the future."  Well, let me be the first to say that this is a courageous woman for that isn't an easy task.  I mean, it isn't an easy task without the full armor of God and His power!  I want to be like this woman.  I want to act and look like her.  How about you?  Does this scripture resemble you?

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Nothing Will Come of It

I had to share my heart today for it was broken once again by a person who the enemy is using in order to try and stop God's plan for my life.  I know in my mind, heart, and soul what God has promised and what amazing things He is doing in my life and in my family's life, yet the closer I get the harder the attacks of the enemy become.  The devil knows exactly how to get to me.  He knows me well and knows my weakest places.  He knows what makes me cry and what makes me angry.  He knows exactly what to do in order to make me doubt not only myself but my amazing Savior.  The enemy gets even angrier for his tactics affect me less and less.  You see, God protects my mind, my heart, and my soul so that when the arrows fly toward me they no longer penetrate.  They begin to bounce off.  Now, let me say, they still sting when they hit me but they don't go inside which makes all the difference in my journey.  God sent me this encouraging scripture tonight as a comfort and a reminder that He has me completely!  He has you in the very same way so never loose hope.  God tells us in His Word that "nothing will come of" these attacks.  Isn't that great?  Yes, it is.  Praise our powerful God!

Monday, July 15, 2013

I'm Really Not Okay

When I read this I knew I had to share it with all my fellow caregivers.  I totally relate to this sign and all that it embodies.  I used to say over and over that I was "okay" when inside I felt like I was dying.  I didn't want people to know how much I was hurting or how desperate my situation really was while at the same time I sometimes wanted to scream out "Don't you see me?  Why aren't you helping me?" It was then that I would realize no one is helping me because I keep telling them that I am okay!

Then there were special people who looked beyond my words and like this sign says "looked me in the eyes and hugged me tight" because they knew in their heart that there was no way on earth I could be okay.  These were the moments I was able to be broken and vulnerable and let out some of the pain.  I pray that each of you has at least one of these friends who knows you well enough to see beyond you telling them that you are okay because as a caregiver there are days when you just are not okay.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Share Your Story

Recently, a great woman of faith, contacted me through email to share how she was touched by MDO Ministries.  I explained to her how I notice each day on Facebook how she always requested prayer for others and that she had the "heart of a caregiver."  Her next email included her personal journey of being a caregiver.  I asked her if I could share it in order to encourage the hearts of fellow caregivers and she said, "YES!"  In order to protect her privacy, we will call this sweet woman, Betty.

At the age of 7, Betty's mother was diagnosed with cancer.  Betty soon became the "mother or woman of the house" at the young age of only 10 years old after loosing her mother.  She has cared for her dad for over 30 years now.  In the mean time Betty also cared for grandparents with dementia, which was very difficult as many of our readers know first hand.  Betty now finds herself as a wife, mother, pastor, and caregiver to her father, who is not easy to deal with or care for.  Betty's father has never really enjoyed life since he lost his wife and shares that with Betty often.  Caring for someone who has lost hope or the will to live makes it that much more difficult to handle as a caregiver.  Even though you may read this story and say, "Wow, Betty must be a really burdened and sad lady," she isn't!  She is full of joy and happiness!  Betty found a helper and a Savior that is like non other.  Betty not only loves the Lord but works in ministry encouraging others in the Lord.  

I wanted you to see that no matter what you face as a caregiver, God is with you and IS YOUR ULTIMATE CAREGIVER!  He never leaves you nor forsakes you no matter how bad the circumstances may be.  You can use your story as your testimony in order for others to see what God has done for you and can do for them!  

Monday, July 1, 2013

Hard to "Be Still"

This scripture is so easy to read but OH, so hard to live.  If you are a caregiver, then you are a "doer" which means you feel the need to do something for others.  This scripture tells us to "Be still" and just understand that God is God and He is handling our needs.  I have such a hard time not doing something to help my situation.  I have to constantly remind myself that God doesn't need my help.  What a shock!  Today, as I wait on some pretty big promises the Lord has given to me, I am trying very hard to be still and know that God is in charge and has it all handled!