My Daly Outreach Ministries

My Daly Outreach Ministries

Sunday, August 21, 2016

His Song In the Night

By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is with me— a prayer to the God of my life.

Today I woke to find a text from a dear friend and fellow Caregiver who has cared for her husband for many years during which he has faced cancer currently for the fourth time.  During the past few months, my friend's husband has declined greatly and spent many weeks in and out of the hospital. Since his children all live distances away and the couple resides in the country, this Caregiver finds herself alone most of the time meeting the needs of her very ill spouse.  

Her text to me this morning explained that she was up every hour during the night with her husband only sleeping from 5:30-7:00 am peacefully.  When I read the message I instantly teared up for I could relate and remembered the discouragement, frustration, and fear the night can bring to a Caregiver.  I prayed all throughout the day for my friend knowing God would continue to sustain her but at the same time desiring some way to encourage her in the Lord.

This afternoon I opened my devotion only to read the exact Word I knew God wanted me to share with my friend.  When I read the scripture from Psalms, my heart was full with love from a God who loves me and cares so much that He sent me a verse from His Word that fit the EXACT need of my sister in Christ.

What a blessing to know, especially as a lonely, fearful Caregiver that God's personal song is with us through the night.  He never leaves or forsakes us and when things are darkest, He is closest!

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Witnessing a Promise

Jeremiah 33:3

 ‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.'

Today I was overcome with emotion and an overflow from a thankful heart as I was given the opportunity to serve as a greeter passing out bulletins at our family's new church in Orlando, Florida. As I greeted each one I am sure they were all thinking, "Boy, this lady is really happy to be at church today!"  I wasn't able to stop smiling or thinking about the journey I had endured in order to be standing there in that place today.  

God showed my husband, Brian, this church over a year ago online and ever since that time we have both felt a pull to be a part of Genesis Church and the work this church body is doing for the Kingdom of God.  We would pray each night as a family knowing that we were supposed to be a part of this church.  We would pray for the pastor and his family, the church members, and our future involvement.  Now we are there and a part of something we prayed for every day for over a year.  It really was surreal.  

My message to you is that when God gives you a promise, as He did with our family concerning Genesis Church, don't EVER give up!  No matter how long it takes, God will never let you down and you will witness the promises He has given you.  When the promise comes to fruition... hold onto your hat!  

In Jeremiah 33:3, God tells us all that He will answer when we call and on top of that, He will show us amazing things that will could never have even imagined.  That's how awesome and cool our God truly is!  Keep praying, keep trusting, and then witness God's promises becoming reality in your life.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Being Still is Hard!

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

Within the past month I have witnessed what happens when you actually stay "still" and allow God to do His work.  Over one year ago in April of 2015, I felt the Holy Spirit impress on my heart the urge to relocate my family to the Orlando, Florida area in order to do ministry for Him in that area.  I thought this would happen in the very near future but that was definitely NOT the case!

The more I prayed the longer I waited.  To be honest, I became very discouraged along the way from time to time.  I could not understand why God would not allow a job to open as I applied over and over.  The enemy continued to speak words of discouragement into my mind telling me that no one wanted to hire me and that I would never move to Orlando.  The enemy whispered to me how everyone thought I was crazy and that the Holy Spirit had not told me to move.  The deceiver is definitely the prince of lies.  He knows exactly what to do in order to discourage and defeat us.  He knows our individual weaknesses and uses them against us if we allow him.

In April as I saw a complete year of praying and waiting on the Lord come to an end multiple people shared Pslam 46:10 with me, most not even knowing I was waiting on the Lord.  When I stopped trying so very hard to make it happen I received a phone call that has changed my and my family's life forever!  I was contacted by a college in the Orlando area during the month of May and invited for an on campus visit.  I was offered the job and immediately our fast paced relocation began.  In less than four weeks we are now living in Florida and I will begin my new position this coming week.  

What I realized and want to share with you, is this scripture, like all of the Bible, is true and applicable to our lives today just as it was when it was first written.  When I stopped working so very hard at trying to make God's promise happen in my life myself and just became "still" allowing God to do His amazing work, things fell into place.  

Today, I encourage you to put down whatever you are struggling with and just be still and rest in God knowing He has everything under control.  The Lord always has your best interest in mind along with your happiness.  He really does love you more than you can ever comprehend.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Complete Healing

Some people brought to Him a paralyzed man on a mat. Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the paralyzed man, "Be encouraged, My child! Your sins are forgiven." Matthew 9:2, NLT

As a Caregiver, my focus constantly remained on my husband's physical condition and healing.  While this was and continues to be very important to me, I realized that what God was doing through spiritual and emotional healing was even more valuable.

While Brian's heart had failed his physical body and we prayed for a miracle, God saw much more of the picture for which we could not at the time.  He saw a man filled with anxiety and fear for which he also desperately needed healing from.  As Brian saw God heal his physical condition and we together realized nothing could save him but the Lord, the anxiety and fears began to lessen and Brian began to really appreciate and enjoy life in a new found way.

Brian had always been afraid to travel and now we were leaving home and driving 12 hours to Disney World and he never looked back.  He was always afraid of getting sick but after facing death, a measly virus just didn't have the same effect.  He worried about loosing people to death but after coming so close multiple times himself he continues to say there are things far worse than death.

Physical healing is powerful and we thank our Lord daily for Brian's miraculous improvements and survival, but at the same time my heart overflows when I see him reading the Word or encouraging others in the name of Jesus while openly sharing how God has transformed his life.  What is even more exciting is that God is no where near finished and I cannot wait to be a witness to all there is to come as our Lord continues to heal Brian in all ways using him to reach others for His Kingdom!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Fear Blocks the Good News!

But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Luke 2:10

Recently a friend reminded me of a fact within the scriptures.   Whenever God spoke or sent an angel to speak for Him, the first words spoken were "Fear Not".  As the afternoon passed, the Holy Spirit began to speak to my heart and mind showing me how if fear had remained, the ones being spoken to would have missed life altering messages from God.  Now that's serious!

Think about it, over and over God tells those He directs and calls for a special purpose to "not be afraid" before giving them His instructions or direction.  It is clear that when fear is present we cannot hear the voice of our Lord and Savior which is exactly the plan of the enemy.  Why then would we allow the devil to keep our minds full of fear and anxiety when in this state it is impossible for us to be open to the voice of the Lord?  

I thought about the shepherds of the Nativity who had an amazing encounter with a host of angels out in a field in the middle of the night.  Just think if they had freaked out in fear and run away to hide. They would have missed seeing the Christ Child lying in the manger as well as spreading the good news to all who would listen.

I also recall all the many times when Jesus would say, frequently to His disciples, to not be afraid.  One of my most favorites was when Jesus met the disciples walking on the water.  He said "... "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid." Matthew 14:27.  When Peter focused on what Jesus was saying and His directions, all was well and he walked on the water, too.  But when his fear crept back, Peter sank beneath the waves.  

If something is so clear and we have example after example within the infallible Word of God, why do we allow fear to come between the amazing personal messages and directions our Father has for each of us?  I fall victim to this, too.  But, I will admit the longer I remain in His Word and spend time in conversation with Jesus, the easier it is to actually "Fear Not" and listen to what He has to say. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Why Does God Allow Delays?

When he heard this, Jesus said, “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.” Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. So when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days, and then he said to his disciples, “Let us go back to Judea.” (John 11)

Let's just be real about this one and admit that none of us expect nor enjoy it when God allows delays within our journey.  We like asking God for help and seeing a response or answer immediately, which can happen, but many times as in the case of John 11, our answer is delayed.  We understand that our best laid plans can often come with unexpected delays and how we respond to these delays is what makes all the difference.

My family believes that if we are delayed while traveling it was God's way of protecting us from a possible accident or even worse.  We now smile and thank him when we are stopped in traffic or a few minutes late arriving to an event for we believe it was His plan and not ours, which in the end is always for our ultimate good.  

I heard the phrase "Because He loves me He delays!" for which I didn't agree with until I was reminded how each time God delays our plan it brings Him greater glory and honor when the answer comes.  

The death of Lazarus was definitely a clear depiction of this when his sisters called for Jesus to come and heal him but instead we know He chose to delay.  When viewing this through human eyes we cannot believe Jesus would do this on purpose for the Bible tells us He loved Lazarus and his sisters. Why on earth would he purposefully wait and not run to their aid?  We see as the story unfolds that Jesus arrived late in the eyes of Mary and Martha in order to perform one of the greatest miracles of His ministry.  He waited so instead of just healing Lazarus, He was able to raise him from the dead!  Talk about giving God glory and honor through a delay.

I keep that in mind within my own life as I pray for open doors and find myself in the midst of a delay.  I must remember that while I wait, Jesus has not forgotten me and that He hears my cry for help but instead of jumping at my request He chooses to delay.  I must be confidently expectant in the Lord and His timing for my life.  Each time this occurs I am thankful after the fact that I was made to wait in order to see miraculous things which always give Him the most glory and honor imaginable. 

Thursday, March 17, 2016

60,000+ Strong

I had to connect and share what was on my heart when I saw our online ministry had surpassed 60,000 Caregivers connected to our webpage.  Pure joy was my initial feeling followed by a deeper urgency to reach even more Caregivers in the name of Jesus!  My mind cannot comprehend the number of children, young adults, and seniors who day in and day out dedicate their lives to the care of others.  The task of Caregiver is not one for which to take lightly or with haste.  It is a dedicated position for which God has only called very special ones to respond.

If you are among that chosen group of Caregivers today and you feel overwhelmed and weary, take refuge in knowing you are not alone.  You belong to a army, one I like to call a special forces unit, for which God has hand picked to be His hands and feet for His children who cannot care for themselves.  You are special and what you do is extraordinary.  Please never forget that.

Jesus left us a powerful yet gentle comforter and supporter when He left the earth so long ago and we know this is the Holy Spirit.  Allow the Holy Spirit to be your Caregiver and your spiritual help when no one else is there or can begin to understand what you feel or manage on a daily basis.  Let the Comforter support you physically and mentally for He can do things through you that are humanly impossible.  Open your heart and mind to what could happen if you allow the Holy Spirit to become your Caregiver and supernatural strength in this journey you are walking or maybe even some days, crawling.

My message for you today is there is strength in numbers.  There is power when 2 or more come together before the throne of God so just imagine the power we have as 60,000+ when our prayers go up together.  What an amazingly beautiful sound that is to the Father's ears and how much more will He bless and keep us.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Where Is Our Hope?

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.  By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.  Hebrews 11:1-3

I never really gave much thought to hope until today.  I heard a pastor explain how it can only exist in our future.  He went on to explain how God gave each of us this amazing gift so that we always have wonderful things to look forward to.  Our creator made us in His image which means we are creative and have imaginations.  God wants us to trust in Him so much that we don't have to physically see something in order to know it is already happening and a part of God intricate plan for our lives.

It is easy to be confident in the things we see and are experiencing today, but beyond that takes great hope.  What I love about the 11th chapter of Hebrews is that we are given example after example after the scriptures above of those who were faithful and who's confidence and hope in God paid off.

Not being visible doesn't mean something isn't real or not there.  That's what the world and the enemy will tell us but not what God's Word tells us.  What are we choosing to put our hope in today?  Will it be the world we can visibly see and touch or in the invisible but promised hope of the Lord?

Ideas, dreams, and visions were all placed within us by the Lord when we were created.  How we decide to use them makes all the difference in our futures.  Are we conforming to the expectations of those around us or to the expectations of our Creator God?  Society will always tell us we are not creative nor imaginative but that is a lie and the complete opposite of how God actually created us.

Today, I challenge you to join me in hoping for mind-blowing things we cannot see in the present but will see in the futures God has called us to walk within.  We must be assured and certain of the hope God has given each one of us.  He loves to strengthen and empower us as we have faith and confidence in what we hope for knowing that we will one day see it.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

According to All That Is Written

"This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success." Joshua 1:8

I had somewhat of an epiphany yesterday when I picked up my Bible to find a scripture God had sent me during the day in a devotion.  It hit me that each day as Christians we enter the battlefield as soon as we awake yet we forget or even hesitate to read and remain in the ONLY weapon that will ever see us victorious.  I love that Joshua tells it like it is because it's exactly what this girl needs!
He tells us that God's Word should not depart from our mouth.  I interpret this as meaning that you can only intelligently speak about a subject for which you are well read.  The Bible is no different.  Joshua says we should "meditate" on the Word of God both day and night.  What?  You mean we should be thinking about what the Bible tells us all the time?  Well, that would mean that the Word would have an effect on all our actions, which is what living like Jesus seems to be all about!

What I absolutely love about my God is He never asks of me without blessing me in abundance and beyond anything I could ever imagine.  It says if we know the Word, speak the Word, meditate on the Word, and actually do what the Word says, God will make our way PROSPEROUS and we will have good SUCCESS!  What more could we want?  God is so amazing and loves us so much that He actually loves to do special personal things for us.  He gains pleasure by giving us the desires of our hearts when we are living for HIM and living in His Word!

If the Word of God is our weapon, our protection, our road map, our comfort, and our promise, why don't we want to automatically do the things this scripture mentions?  Why don't we read it every chance we have during the day?  I'll tell you why.  Because we are human and focused on the world we live within and not focused on the Jesus that lives within us.  Let's pick up our Bibles and be victorious!