A blog dedicated to the spiritual encouragement of caregivers everywhere! Read stories of hope and God's love that will remind you what God has in store for your life!
My Daly Outreach Ministries

Friday, April 22, 2016
Complete Healing
Some people brought to Him a paralyzed man on a mat. Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the paralyzed man, "Be encouraged, My child! Your sins are forgiven." Matthew 9:2, NLT
As a Caregiver, my focus constantly remained on my husband's physical condition and healing. While this was and continues to be very important to me, I realized that what God was doing through spiritual and emotional healing was even more valuable.
While Brian's heart had failed his physical body and we prayed for a miracle, God saw much more of the picture for which we could not at the time. He saw a man filled with anxiety and fear for which he also desperately needed healing from. As Brian saw God heal his physical condition and we together realized nothing could save him but the Lord, the anxiety and fears began to lessen and Brian began to really appreciate and enjoy life in a new found way.
Brian had always been afraid to travel and now we were leaving home and driving 12 hours to Disney World and he never looked back. He was always afraid of getting sick but after facing death, a measly virus just didn't have the same effect. He worried about loosing people to death but after coming so close multiple times himself he continues to say there are things far worse than death.
Physical healing is powerful and we thank our Lord daily for Brian's miraculous improvements and survival, but at the same time my heart overflows when I see him reading the Word or encouraging others in the name of Jesus while openly sharing how God has transformed his life. What is even more exciting is that God is no where near finished and I cannot wait to be a witness to all there is to come as our Lord continues to heal Brian in all ways using him to reach others for His Kingdom!
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Fear Blocks the Good News!
But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Luke 2:10
Recently a friend reminded me of a fact within the scriptures. Whenever God spoke or sent an angel to speak for Him, the first words spoken were "Fear Not". As the afternoon passed, the Holy Spirit began to speak to my heart and mind showing me how if fear had remained, the ones being spoken to would have missed life altering messages from God. Now that's serious!
Think about it, over and over God tells those He directs and calls for a special purpose to "not be afraid" before giving them His instructions or direction. It is clear that when fear is present we cannot hear the voice of our Lord and Savior which is exactly the plan of the enemy. Why then would we allow the devil to keep our minds full of fear and anxiety when in this state it is impossible for us to be open to the voice of the Lord?
I thought about the shepherds of the Nativity who had an amazing encounter with a host of angels out in a field in the middle of the night. Just think if they had freaked out in fear and run away to hide. They would have missed seeing the Christ Child lying in the manger as well as spreading the good news to all who would listen.
I also recall all the many times when Jesus would say, frequently to His disciples, to not be afraid. One of my most favorites was when Jesus met the disciples walking on the water. He said "... "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid." Matthew 14:27. When Peter focused on what Jesus was saying and His directions, all was well and he walked on the water, too. But when his fear crept back, Peter sank beneath the waves.
If something is so clear and we have example after example within the infallible Word of God, why do we allow fear to come between the amazing personal messages and directions our Father has for each of us? I fall victim to this, too. But, I will admit the longer I remain in His Word and spend time in conversation with Jesus, the easier it is to actually "Fear Not" and listen to what He has to say.
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